SINTAX Steuerberatung
  • SINTAX Steuerberatung

    Who has the duty to pay taxes, has the right to save taxes!


    to optimise rather than just manage
    no tie
    flexible way of working
    fixed-price guarantee


    Mag. Christian Sint - Tax advisor with LOVE for payroll accounting

    I have always been fascinated by the interface of economics and law. Especially in the service industry a profound legal and economic know-how is inevitable. As former employer of up to 250 employees I looked deeply into the subject of staff optimisation and finally learned to love wage accounting. In this context an integrated approach is the key to success, therefore management decisions, tax and labour aspects must go hand in hand.


    •  university degree in business administration and economics
    •  tax advisor and professional speaker
    •  lecturer for labour law and payroll acounting
    •  areas of expertise: tax advisory, staff optimisation, payroll service
    SINTAX Steuerberatung

    My services

    LOVE payroll accounting

    I dare to say that I am one among few tax advisors which are capable of doing operating payroll accounting theirselves. In average I create roughly 300 pay slips each month. That helps me as a professional lecturer to the subjects of payroll accounting and labour law as academic theory can only be strengthened with extensive practical knowledge. On the other side operating activities are the foundations of the strategic goals.

    My services are:

    •  Strategic payroll accounting concepts
    •  Proactive wage accounting
    •  Staff cost savings through tax optimisation
    SINTAX Personaloptimierung


    Personnel is the most important resource for many companies, and very often the most expensive at the same time. Therefore, my goal is to optimise the personnel costs, so that the agreed net fee causes the lowest possible gross costs. In addition, I work as a lecturer for payroll and labour law and among other as examiner at the master examination office at the chamber of economics in Salzburg, which guarantees, that I always stay up to date with the latest information. 

    My services are:

    •  personnel costs optimisation
    •  personnel budgeting 
    •  personnel controlling
    •  implementation of digital working time systems
    •  setting up of labour contracts (WTBG)
    •  lecturer for payroll accounting and labour law

    Staff cost savings up to 6% facing the same net amount,
    depending on the personnel ratio that causes a rise of the return on sales of up to 3% (example gastronomy)

    „Standard“ version

    Position Souschef 6 days/48 hours
    à EUR 1.850 net in April 2020

    minimum wage€ 1.840,00
    overpayment€ 200,97
    overtime payment€ 610,65
    gros wage€ 2.651,62
    net wage€ 1.850,00
    staff costs p.m (including 13th and 14th wage)€ 3.890,82

    „Optimised“ version

    Position Souschef 6 days/48 hours
    à EUR 1.850 net in April 2020 incl. optimisation § 68 EStG

    minimum wage€ 1.840,00
    overpayment€ 9,88
    overtime payment€ 368,81

    premium § 68/1 and 2 optimised

    € 284,58
    gros wage€ 2.503,27
    net wage€ 1.850,00
    staff costs p.m (including 13th and 14th wage)€ 3.656,47


    *possible scenario (does not replace individual advisory)

    I am looking forward to your call
    +43 (0) 6462 38912
    or write me an Email


    The interaction between labour law, tax law and social insurance law causes an enormous complexity of payroll accounting. My goal is to make it understandable and to get the optimum out of it. A high-quality university education combined with many years of subject-specific experience enable to manage difficult legal challenges.

    My expertise covers the following legal fields:

    •  labour law
    •  social insurance law
    •  (payroll) tax law
    •  procedural law (before court / public authorities)
    •  support with tax audits


    SINTAX Steuerberatung GmbH
    Gasteinerstraße 65
    5500 Bischofshofen
    +43 (0) 676 42 42 415

    business division in: 5600 St.Johann, Hauptstraße 83

    CEO: Mag. Christian Sint

    shareholders: Christian and Yvonne Sint

    Landesgericht Salzburg, FN 515370y

    UID: ATU74572349

    member of chamber of tax advisors and auditors (WT-Code: 807129)

    member of chamber of trade: real estate trustee (property management and real estate agency; GISA-Zahl: 32250954)

    professional law: Wirtschaftstreuhandberufsgesetz (WTBG 2017) 


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    Sintax Steuerberatung GmbH
    Gasteinerstraße 65
    5500 Bischofshofen
    +43 (0) 676 42 42 415